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Being home and forced to change up our routines is awesome, until it’s not…

At the times when it seems to lose its appeal, a door opens to a new possibility. Perhaps we can implement some new practices into our daily life that will serve us well after the Coronavirus is a memory. My friends at the Strozzi Institute remind us that we are always practicing something.  The question that arises is, does your practice serve your purpose? 

Regardless of what your purpose may be today, taking the time to explore one or more of these practices may allow you to increase your creativity, your fulfillment, and your joy. All of these methods respect the social distancing expectation, while contributing to your overall wellness. Give a couple of these priority each day and see what you notice from the experience. 

Methods that will have as much of an impact on you as they will the recipient:

Spend 30 minutes a day reaching out to express gratitude to people in your life.

Writing and hand-written thank you notes. There is a wonderful book called, The Art of the Handwritten Note in the event you would like to explore this beautiful form of communication in more depth. 

Finding a distraction free space and making a phone call – be sure to be fully present with the person on the phone.  So many of us treat phone calls as another to-do list item. Make sure you set aside time and energy to really connect with the person on the other end of the line.

Spend 30 minutes a day in quiet reflection or mediation.

Use this time not to read, or just “relax”, but rather to intentionally check in on your mind.  Reflection on your actions or inactions and the impact they have had on you. Reflect on what you consider to be your primary purpose in this life and how your actions and inactions are contributing to you fulfilling that purpose. While this sounds like a rather intellectual (brain-based) exercise, be sure to include reflections on your emotions, your physical state and your connection with the spiritual world (that which is greater than any one human). Of course, while many of use say we are reflecting, we actually lean toward rumination. One way to navigate reflecting without getting stuck is through writing in a journal.  It’s much easier to catch yourself going down a rabbit hole if you can see the words you are writing.  Above all, remember that there is no “right feeling”. There is just the feeling you are having in the moment, and it deserves your respect.

Spend 30 minutes a day improving something you have neglected in your home. 

That could look like cleaning your closet, switching traditional lightbulbs out with LED, or organizing a bookshelf.  In a world where we now have a heightened appreciation for every supply we have- every book, every chair, every roll of toilet paper – this exercise is one of offering heightened care, kindness and appreciation for the “things” in our life. Each object came from somewhere. As you are caring for something, you can reflect on all the humans that went into its cultivation, creation, transportation, and delivery. 

Spend 30 minutes a day exercising.  

While this one reminds me of a 1980’s exercise video, it is unique in that in todays “social distancing”, this can be done as a family. Perhaps switch the purpose from you getting to sweat or get your heart rate up, to getting your entire family moving, laughing and gasping for breath.  This could be as simple as an 80’s (I suppose it’s right to just stick with it) dance party in your living room, to a walk in nature. The point is, do it together. Connection will be our saving grace in this time, and our bodies and minds are more ready than ever to connect when we are moving. Note:  In addition, if you know you need your own time too, make that happen, but while we are all stuck at home, make sure not to miss out on the opportunity for connecting with your loved ones while moving. 

Give these a try and let us know what comes of it. Share your thoughts with us, or photos from your experiences. We would love to hear from you.