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September 29, 2020

The Power of the Present

Nature has so much to offer us. As I step off the ledge, suspended by nothing more than a rope, I can feel my heart beating heavily. The 100-foot drop below me seems to temporarily reverse the effects of gravity as I nearly leap back onto the ledge like Wiley Coyote. A voice inside calls […]

Jackie Calvert
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September 29, 2020

Finding the Calm in the Chaos

You know that person in your life who always seems to have the most bizarre things happen to them? It’s as if dramatic experiences were tossed out in doses, and they always seemed to get more than their share – pet drama, kid drama, spouse drama, work drama… even random encounters seem to turn into […]

Jackie Calvert
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Make The List. Work the List. Mindful Leadership Navigation Tips for Your Days at Home Are you still working from home? Maybe not working at the moment?  Trying to remotely connect?  Kids home all day? We are all still adjusting in different ways to the current difficult situation and life disruptions. Our tolerance, flexibility and resilience is being […]

Jackie Calvert
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